LPCXpresso IDE v8.2.2



Complete integrated development environment

  • Eclipse-based with many NXP-specific ease-of-use enhancements
  • Device-specific support for LPC Arm Cortex-M, Arm7 and Arm9 MCUs
  • Quickstart Panel provides easy access to most commonly used functions
  • Can be extended with many Eclipse plug-ins
  • Built-in CVS source control support; other source control system plug-ins available including GIT, Subversion, TFS, and more
  • Free and Pro editions available
  • Part of a complete development platform that includes development boards for each LPC microcontroller series

Powerful project creation and build facilities

  • Industry-standard GNU toolchain, including:
    • C and C++ compilers, assemblers and linker
    • Converters for SREC, HEX and binary output files
  • Advanced project wizards
    • Enable simple creation of pre-configured applications for specific MCUs
    • Facilitate easy creation and configuration of applications for specific MCUs
    • Automatic generation of MCU-specific startup code
    • No assembler required with Cortex-M MCUs
  • Can build an executable of any size with full code optimization
  • Headless build mechanism and command-line tools for flexible integration into build, test and production systems

Powerful linker and memory configuration capabilities

  • MCU-specific linker scripts automatically generated for correct placement of code and data into Flash and RAM
    • Memory configuration editor allows simple changes to memory map
    • Powerful template mechanism allows application-specific code and data layouts to be easily produced

Library support

  • Creation of applications using NXP® LPCOpen libraries (stacks, drivers, middleware, etc.)
  • Redlib: an optimized, small-footprint embedded C library unique to the LPCXpresso IDE
  • Newlib: standard open source C and C++ library; plus a code-size optimized version, Newlib-Nano

Full-featured debugger supporting SWD and JTAG connections

  • Optimized for use with LPC-Link2; compatible with many other CMSIS-DAP debug probes
  • Support for multiple devices on JTAG scan-chain
  • Supports use of SEGGER J-Link (using third-party plug-ins)
  • Unlimited debug image size (Pro edition); up to 256 KB (Free edition)
  • Built-in high-speed Flash programming
    • Appropriate Flash driver automatically selected for internal MCU Flash
    • Generic Quad SPI Flash driver detects many common external Flash devices; source provided to allow addition of more devices
    • Allows multiple flash drivers to be specified, supporting use of both internal and external flash memory by a project
  • Automatic debug configuration for target MCU
  • High-level and instruction-level debug
  • Views of CPU registers and on-chip peripherals

Trace and profiling

  • Instruction trace via embedded trace buffer (ETB) (LPC43xx and LPC18xx devices) and micro trace buffer (MTB) (Cortex-M0+ MCUs)
  • Supports Arm Cortex SWO trace on Cortex-M3/M4 MCUs via LPC-Link2 with functionality including:
    • Application profiling
    • Interrupt trace, including timeline graphing (Pro edition)
    • Data watch: one (Free edition), up to four (Pro edition)
    • Performance counter monitoring
    • Printf over ITM trace channel

Advanced multi-core support

  • Provision for creating linked projects for each core in multi-core MCUs
  • Debug multi-core projects within a single IDE instance with ability to link various debug views to specific cores

Power measurement tool

  • Sample power usage at adjustable rates of up to 200 ksps; average power usage display option
  • Explore detailed plots of collected data in IDE
  • Export data for analysis with other tools

Red State: state machine designer and code generator for state configurable timers (SCTs)

  • Design state machines graphically
  • Generates standard C code
  • Configures SCTimer/PWM
  • Can be used to create software state machine

MSYS (MSYS sources are not modified by NXP Semiconductors)

Eclipse (Eclipse sources are not modified by NXP Semiconductors)

  • Downloads
    • LPCXpresso 6 is based on Eclipse Juno (SR2) release
    • LPCXpresso 7 is based on Eclipse Kepler (SR1) release
    • LPCXpresso 7.4 is based on Eclipse Luna (SR1) release

DFU-UTIL (DFU-UTIL is not modified by NXP Semiconductors)



クイック・リファレンス ソフトウェア・タイプ.

1 ダウンロード

  • 開発IDEと構築ツール

    LPCXpresso IDE

注: より快適にご利用いただくために、ソフトウェアのダウンロードはデスクトップで行うことを推奨します。


クイック・リファレンス ドキュメンテーションの種類.

1-5 の 8 ドキュメント



クイック・リファレンス ソフトウェア・タイプ.

2 ソフトウェア・ファイル

注: より快適にご利用いただくために、ソフトウェアのダウンロードはデスクトップで行うことを推奨します。

