The LPC2377 is an Arm7 microcontroller for embedded applications featuring a high level of integration and low power consumption at frequencies of 72 MHz. Features include 512 kB of flash memory, 58 kB of SRAM, Ethernet MAC, DMA controller, 4 UARTs, 2 SSP, 1 SPI, 3 I2C, I2S, 8-channel 10-bit ADC, 10-bit DAC, PWM, 4 general purpose timers, low power RealTime Clock with separate battery supply, and up to 104 general purpose I/O pins. The LPC2377 is pin-compatible to the LPC176x Cortex-M3 MCU series.
部品番号: LPC2377FBD144.
クイック・リファレンス ドキュメンテーションの種類.
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クイック・リファレンス ソフトウェア・タイプ.
2 ソフトウェア・ファイル
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