EdgeLock® Assurance
Proven security development processes and verification assessments – from product concept through release – help ensure customers receive trusted solutions for their security challenges.
The LPC551x/S1x MCU family is part of the EdgeVerse™ edge computing platform and expands the world’s first general purpose Cortex-M33-based MCU series, offering significant advantages for developers, including pin-, software- and peripheral-compatibility for ease of use and to accelerate time to market, while leveraging the cost-effective 40-nm NVM process technology.
The LPC551x/S1x is the baseline family within the LPC5500 MCU series inclusive of LPC5516x, LPC55S16x, LPC5514x, LPC55S14x, LPC5512x MCUs, providing new levels of cost and performance efficiency in addition to advanced security and system integration for industrial and general embedded markets.
Built with advanced security in mind, the LPC55S16 MCU is part of the Certified EdgeLock® Assurance program and has been awarded Level 2 certifications by both the PSA Certified™ scheme co-developed by Arm and the GlobalPlatform Security Evaluation Standard for IoT Platforms (SESIP).
Proven security development processes and verification assessments – from product concept through release – help ensure customers receive trusted solutions for their security challenges.
LPC810およびLPC830:32ビットArm® Cortex®-M0+ベースの低コストMCU
Arm® Cortex® M0+搭載MCX C04x MCU、従来のペリフェラルを備えたエントリレベルMCU
MCX A13x、14x、15x MCU:Arm® Cortex® M33、拡張性の高いデバイス・オプション、低消費電力でインテリジェントなペリフェラルを搭載
LPC820:32ビットArm® Cortex®M0+ベースの低コストMCU
Arm® Cortex® M0+搭載MCX C14x/24x/44x MCU、USB、セグメントLCD、従来のペリフェラルを備えたエントリレベルMCU
Arm® Cortex®-M0+コア・ベースの低価格マイクロコントローラ (MCU)
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