The LPC800 Family of MCUs are ideal for customers who want to make the transition from 8 and 16-bit MCUs to the Cortex® M0/M0+. For this purpose, we've created Code Bundles which consist of software examples to teach users how to program the peripherals at a basic level. The examples provide register level peripheral access, and direct correspondence to the memory map in the MCU User Manual. Examples are concise and accurate explanations are provided within the readmes and comments in source files. Code Bundles for LPC800 family devices are made available at the time of the series product launch, ready for use with LPCXpresso (MCUXpresso IDE from March 2017), Keil and IAR, and easily portable to any of the other development toolchains in the LPC ecosystem (Rowley, SEGGER, etc). Direct links are available below, but Code Bundles for each part can be found under the Software and Tools tab from the product page of the LPC8xx you are using.
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クイック・リファレンス ドキュメンテーションの種類.
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