PowerQUICC® II Pro Processor with DDR2, Dual PCI, 1 GB Ethernet, Dual USB, Security
The MPC8349E PowerQUICC® II Pro family of integrated communications processors is a next-generation extension of the popular PowerQUICC II line. Based on system-on-chip (SoC) architecture, the MPC8349E PowerQUICC II Pro family integrates the enhanced e300 core and advanced features such as double data rate (DDR) memory, dual Gigabit Ethernet (GbE), dual PCI and high-speed USB controllers. With clock speeds scaling to 667 MHz, the MPC8349E family of processors offers the highest performing PowerQUICC II devices available.
The MPC8349E PowerQUICC II Pro family is designed to provide a cost-effective, highly integrated control processing solution that addresses the emerging needs of networking, communications and pervasive computing applications. MPC8349E processors can be used in applications such as Ethernet routers and switches, wireless LAN (WLAN) equipment, network storage, home network appliances, industrial control equipment, and copiers, printers and other imaging systems.
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4 ハードウェア提供
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