NOTE: The Kinetis Design Studio IDE (KDS IDE) is no longer being actively developed but is being maintained to provide support for legacy Kinetis devices. The MCUXpresso IDE has now replaced the Kinetis Design Studio IDE as the recommended software development toolchain for NXP’s newes Kinetis, LPC and i.MX RT Cortex-M-based devices. For more details on MCUXpresso IDE, please visit
The Kinetis® Design Studio (KDS) is a complimentary integrated development environment for Kinetis MCUs that enables robust editing, compiling and debugging of your designs. Based on free, open-source software including Eclipse, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), GNU Debugger (GDB), and others, the Kinetis Design Studio IDE offers designers a simple development tool with no code-size limitations. Furthermore, Processor Expert® software enables your design with its knowledge base and helps create powerful applications with a few mouse clicks.